Saturday, November 24, 2007

School Is Out!

Microecons was my last paper on Wed. It wasnt that easy for me, although many claimed its quite alright.

Heck with it, i'm goin to enjoy my holidays!

3 days has passed, i'm still doin the same everyday.

~Miux's Ultimate Daily Schedule~
1.30pm - Wake up, online
2.00pm - Lunch, online
3.00pm - CSI/Numb3rs/House/or whatsoever series on Axn,online
4.00pm - 'Should' fall asleep by this hour
6.30pm - Bath, online
7.30pm - Dinner, online
8.30pm - Desert, newspaper, online
9.30pm -Tv, online
10.30pm - Online,online
11.00pm - Miami Ink
12.00am - Online
2.00am - Still online
3.00am - Still online
4.00am - Sleep (its bout time)

Which reminds me, 1 sem is already done and over with!
It felt pretty fast if you asked me. It feels like yesterday when I just registered for my course. Wasn't my best half year, loads of crappy stuffs happened. But it was alright, still alive and onlining my days away.

I practically emo-fied all my shitty stuffs in the previous post bout my entire half a year. So not gonna be long winded again. And thanks to those who was concerned bout it :)

Here's a little sneak preview of my 2nd sem timetable.

Checked out the days i've arranged for it! I'm so gonna die those few days. But the heck with it, i did the same for this sem as well. Its called cramping-your-subjects-so-you-can-go-back-online-more

=P Its not final and i can still change it when uni reopens. But looks good to me...and hola! I manage to get my spanish subject. Hehe

One and a quarter month of holidays. Here should be the few 'chores' i might be doin:
1. Get a job
2. Go for a holiday
3. Regain back my guitar skills
4. Solve a rubix cube within 5 mins
5. Have a rocking xmas celebration
6. Change the light in my room, the blinking is makin me nuts

2 comment(s):

-jamie- said...

I love your daily schedule. XD

Miux said...

Who doesnt.