It's a great trip, despite all the minor AND major flaws through out the whole package itself. Since it's a delayed post (due to huge huge amount of pics needed to be edited), I'm just gonna summarise it.
1. I thought I'm not gonna make it alive during the speedboat ride from Kuala Besut jetty to Perhentian
2. It's pretty cool that the beach is bout 20-30 feet away from our chalet
3. The twin sharing rooms are terrible, one of the worst ever. Even camping is more comfortable.
4. The corals are amazing, highly recommended. Variety of fish...just on average level (sounded as tho i'm visiting manhattan fish market)
5. Friggin cut my left toes on the corals i highly praised bout. It was also an attempt to say 'fuck' loudly underwater with my snorkelling mask.
6. Water is kinda murky on the second day of snorkelling, reminds me alot of our house aquarium 6 years back.
7. There's a reason why the price tag on the redang package is higher than perhentian package
8. I snapped over 600+ pics, mostly are burst shots which leaves us to 200+ unique pics. Only 20+ are my photography interest shots, the remaining ones are pics of my frens syok sendiri. lol.
9. Food are very inconsistent in the my resort, it can be very tasty or just plain bland from meals to meals.
10. And finally...the friggin bus broke down on the way back! Making our 8 hours ride back extended to 16! If i were to fly to L.A., i should be almost there by then. Apparently the CPU in the super high tech double decker bus was screwed, hence, the bus couldnt change its gear. Leaving us, to be 'cruising' on first gear WITHIN Raub itself. When people joke bout how walking is faster than the vehicle itself, its really true in this case
Anyway, here are the 'photography' shot I'm happy with. The rest of the snapshots are in my facebook album :)

20 comment(s):
aiksss...hate to see all de pics tat u took!it is very beautiful and reminds me alot de beach and de view there >.< i dun wan to but i have to say tat all de pics are very nice..so not fair!i take de same pics as u but seems like de effects are different :(
and like u said...u like those all above pics..included de oni model in pics above?lol..jk :P
your pics are veli veli veli COOL!!
I like the color combination leh..how u edit your pic?? are you using Adobe Photoshop??? would like to learn frm u o..
nice. :)
it looks amazing~~~ wao~~!!! all look like Post card~~ haha~~!!
Love it soooOOO much!! I wanna go there too!!!
4 in 1 post huh..
great pics!
like the quality! =)
okayyy...i m speechless!!!
all the photos are fab!! fantastic!!!!
can i grab a few more photos more u? plzzzz
Lol, yeah...i miss the place as well. Its so relaxing back there
tqqqq :)
Haha, asked u to come together mah, but u dowan
Thanks yo, appreciate it :)
Lol, which pic u want? the previous wallpaper too blue for u rite? haha
Thanks ;)
Yeah, the tone, highlights,shadows and whatnot is edited with photoshop cs3 :) feel free to ask
blue is fine.
want the one with the floating piece of wood, the leave's and the splash of water's...
the boat front wan also..
so pretty =)
thats it, im booking the next bus there.
Nice picture, miux
...please where can I buy a unicorn?
...please where can I buy a unicorn?
wmk> i will recommend u to fly there instead. lol.
gareth> thx man :)
anony> ebay will be a good place to find it :P
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