Sunday, May 18, 2008


Sorry for the long delayed post. As some of you might not know, I've already started my holidays (yay!)

Official time given for the break: 8 weeks
So i'm already entering the second week. Hmm, when i count it by the weeks, it doesnt seem tht long afterall.

Finals was hell. When half of the ppl telling u tht the exams was either easy or the lecturers have been kind this time around, then you'll know its not good since you are thinking otherwise.

Started off with a tough paper, ended with an even tougher one.
Oh well, as long its all over now :D

...times where you wished you have listened to the lecture instead

Check out, the very last point, 'Menampilkan wajah yang tidak menyenangkan pelanggan'
This is a textbook for the Public Relation subject btw.
So basically those with ugly or 'less' attractive faces won't have much choice eh?
In cantonese we'll just call it 'Yong Sui' :))

Anyway, i'm totally free except a few particular weeks where i might be off to somewhere, so remember don't hesistate to call me out or anything cause i'm already starting to rot!!!

2 comment(s):

-jamie- said...

haha.... "face problem" thou i think that book is mean la... ><

-jamie- said...
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