Friday, July 27, 2007


Now is the time to reveal my frustration and idiotic politics in UKM.
As a precaution, this might appear sensitive to some ppl. But i'm just telling what i went thru.

I'm in the faculty of economics and business (FEP) doing the economics program.

Few weeks ago, we had a chinese orientation in our own kolej. Where we met our seniors from the same program and discuss how things gonna turn out (eg. choosing courses, textbooks,faculty etc etc). So there's like 6 of us from our kolej in econs program. 2 guys 4 gals. Yeah, its very little compared to the business program.

So one of the seniors pulled me out and asked me if I wanna be a candidate to represent our kolej for the faculty nite. One and one hopefully get the title of king and queen. Probably no harm in it, so me and the other gal just agreed to it.
In the looks of it, its just seemed like any other prom.

This is what i have came to know.
Each year, a faculty nite will be organised and among all the candidates from all the kolejs, a King and Queen will be voted. They will be the ppl organising next year's fac nite as well assigning direct seniors.
The candidates are called Mr and Miss.
So each year, each kolej has their own Mr and Miss for each year. Unfortunately, i'm the first year's Mr.
In a hierarchy manner, the chinese economics students will answer to their Mr and Miss, and the Mr and Miss will answer to the King and Queen.
I wonder which bugger started that tradition.
And the 'best' part is...the entire thing is illegal and considered underground.
Oh yeah,Mr and Miss are chosen by 3rd year seniors. So basically we have no choice.

And bout the direct senior thing, everyone will get 1. The seniors will be the one passing down notes to their juniors as well as orders (like attending the fac nite =P)

Firstly...they will force everyone to go. It cost 75 bucks per person. Goin or not, the payment is compulsory.
Secondly, they forced us to come out with 2 performances. One from the Mr and Miss, another 1 will be a group performance from everyone of tht kolej.

From time to time, they will ask us to gather at our kolej's foyer...saying tht king or the queen wants to meet with us,sometimes from our own seniors. Half of the time, they are not punctual. And its really time consuming, because of the 'compulsory' meetin, we have empty our time slot there just for it. Which include club meetings, training and just some time off after a long day in class.
Mostly they just want to make a point and force everyone to go for the fac nite.

And the latest addition, we are required to gather signatures from both seniors and juniors. Rules is that, we cant ask the signatures from any other places beside outside of the lecture hall and out of our own kolej. I think total bout 150 signatures we need to gather. It spells out UNNECESSARY on the first page.

Let see, there's one day I wore just a simple t-shirt and slacks to class. And later on that day, one of my kolej senior came and told me to wear nicer and 'smarter'. Coz she received comments from other seniors of the same kolej that i wear like shit and terrible.


Just because I didnt wear a colared tshirt for a day and now they are all sayin my dressing is like shit? Not like its a crumpled,dirty of sloppy tshirt.
They said as a Mister, I shud looked more impressive.
The heck with can be the friggin King if u want to. Coz I have no plans on becoming another sucker to organise a fac nite.

Last Sunday, there was this FEP orientation(an official 1). Its a talk bout majoring and the faculty's club.
So this is the hierarchy of the fac's clubs.
The top will be the PMFEP(some persatuan mahasiswa thingy)
followed by 4 minor clubs below it...which is Kelab Ekonomi, Kelab Perniagaan, Kelab Akauns, and Kelab Pelajar Tahun Satu(KPTS),

So they were recruiting exco/ajk members for the KPTS. I thought it might be somethin diff which i can get some experiences in. I volunteered myself to be among the candidates. Bout 6 of us,2 other malay guys and 3 malay gals. So the timbalan dekan of the fac let the rest of the students make voting for the pengerusi.

Alrite, a malay gal got the pengerusi post. Then the timabalan met with us after the orientation event has ended. On the spot he assign rest of the posts for the 5 of us. So i got the timbalan pengerusi 1.

The next day, the news has spread wide enough among my kolej seniors. Looks like they arent too pleased by my actions of volunteering myself on that day. Then my direct senior had a talk with me on that nite. Sayin the club is not meant for 'us' as its entirely dominated.
Democracy will never happen in that club or in the faculty. So votes arent really 'votes'.
As said...there's a clear line of racial distribution.
Whatsmore when i'm a Mr where I have a possibility to be King. So its like planting an underground member into an official body, as said by the senior. (remember the movie,The Departed?).
I wouldnt wanna say much bout it, since its not really proven or anything and it might be considered a false information. But u can go figure and put the entire idea together.

Had a meeting with the rest of the 5 exco today. Its the day to select the smaller exco/department of the KPTS. Not too bad, bout 20 ppl applied for it and ready for the interview session.

Bout 2 indians, 8 chinese and 10 malays among the applicants.

So went on with the interview as usual. Some are good...some are dead nervous.
At the end of it, before I could say or suggest who is good and who is not, one of the senior of the KPTS said,

"Ok,kita akan masukkan yang 2 India di dlm exco"

Then a lil discussion of a few malay names on those few positions.

After 5 mins,
"Ok, kita akan masukkan seorg Cina dalam exco Akademik"

The treasurer asked "Cina macam tak ramai je"

The senior answered "Boleh lah, ada Kevin lagi. So ada 2 org. Cukup lah tu"

There's 8 positions there...excluding the top 6 of us.

Then the senior wrote on a piece of paper while sayin
"biasanya setiap tahun, pembahagian kami adalah lebih kurang cam ni"

She wrote,

80% Melayu
15% Cina
5% India

"Boleh lah. Saya rasa exco ni cukup baik"

I dun think i need to say anything already.

Now they are forcing us to buy a FEP jacket which cost 60 bucks. For me i have no choice, its compulsory for the exco members. And they wanting us to promote the jacket as well.
I told my frens its not stated as compulsory and dun give them a single cent. I said I will inform them what is necessary and what is not.

Honestly, I am sorta struggling here. Especially with the chinese community. 95% of the chinese here speaks mandarin. Obviously i cant, as a KL born fella, cantonese is the main dialect here.
The chinese community are forcing everyone to join in whatever nonsense they have whereby knowing the fact i cant speak mandarin and still wanna pull me in.
Fine, do expect me not to be able to comprehend a single thing being said in meeting,knowing that they sure use mandarin.
Then they will stare back at me like some special retard case fella and asked me whether do i understand.
I'll just give them back a 'what do u think' look while looking all blurred.

I appreciated the fact that they all might wanna unite us all as a family. Nothin wrong with tht. But i dun see a point where eventually they gonna group together according to their own state of origin(eg Johor,Malacca) or just their own lifestyle(eg. loud,rowdy)

But my roommate is well a few other nearby neighbour of ours, as in nearby rooms.

Yesterday, I was walking to my fac as i saw one of the guy from my kolej with another group of ppl. So i just said hi to him (as what everyone will do in uni to their own kolej mates), i think he was tryin to impress the few gals around and purposely ask me back somethin in mandarin. I was like "huh?". Then few of them started laughing.
Yeah, a real sohai if u ask me. But cant blame him for tryin too hard.

Enough of for today. As tmrw i'm forced to attend another orientation session for the chinese econs students.

1 comment(s):

Anonymous said...

i actually read every single word (haha and that "song" as well..which i think is pretty good)

why is it that when i talk to you on msn and asked you how uni was you said "fine"

sigh. i think i should fuck up my STPM slightly so that i won't get into public uni. it sounds downright HORRENDOUS. and UKM was one of those that i wanted to get into.
